Responding to Safety Concerns

As a mental health professional at Unfilteredd, your role in recognizing signs of distress in our members is critical to ensuring their safety and well-being.

Below are key warning signs that may indicate a member is at risk of self-harm, suicide, or in physical danger.

It is essential to approach these signs with the utmost seriousness and take immediate action to provide support.

If you observe any of the following warning signs in a member’s communication, sending them our emergency protocol template without delay is mandatory.

After sending the template, immediately report the situation to [email protected] for further monitoring and record-keeping.

Elijah or Juliana Akin will take responsibility for any necessary follow-up actions with the individual in question.

Please refrain from responding to any additional emails from this person until you receive explicit authorization from Elijah or Juliana Akin.

Warning Signs

1. Explicit Statements of Intent:

Be alert to direct statements about self-harm or suicidal intent. These are serious red flags and include phrases like:

  • “I can’t handle this anymore and I’m thinking of ending my life.”
  • “I’ve decided I don’t want to live anymore.”

2. Describing Specific Plans:

Pay attention to details about how a member might harm themselves, as these indicate a higher risk of imminent action. Look for statements such as:

  • “I’ve been thinking about how I would do it, and I have everything I need.”
  • “I’ve planned out how to end my life, and I think I’m ready to go through with it.”

3. Giving Away Possessions or Saying Goodbye:

Be aware of comments that suggest a member is giving away belongings or saying final farewells. This behavior can be a sign of preparing for suicide.

Examples include:

  • “I’ve started giving away my things, I won’t be needing them.”
  • “I want to say goodbye and thank you for everything.”

4. Signs of Physical Danger:

Stay vigilant for indications that a member is in a situation where they fear for their physical safety. Statements to watch for are:

  • “I’m in a situation where I fear for my life.”
  • “I don’t feel safe where I am; I’m scared something bad will happen to me.”

5. Talk of Being a Burden: 

Members may express feelings of guilt or worthlessness, believing that their existence is a burden to friends, family, or society.

This is a significant warning sign and should be approached with sensitivity. You might encounter statements like:

  • “I just feel like everyone would be better off without me around.”
  • “I’m such a burden to my family, they shouldn’t have to deal with me anymore.”

Emergency Protocol Email Template

Hi Member’s First Name,

I hope this message finds you well. 

At Unfilteredd, we have a protocol to ensure the safety and well-being of all our members.

In your previous message, you mentioned:

[Insert specific details from the member’s message here].

Given what you’ve shared, I am deeply concerned about your safety.

And, just as a reminder, I am a therapist dedicated to helping you build a life free from the effects of narcissistic abuse that reflects who you truly want to be.

However, I am not acting as your personal therapist in this setting, so I cannot provide crisis intervention.

Our policy is to suggest immediate action when a member expresses feelings or situations that could indicate a risk to their well-being.

Here are the urgent steps I encourage you to take:

1. Contact Emergency Services: If you are in immediate danger or experiencing suicidal thoughts, please call emergency services right away. This is the most important step to ensure your safety and receive urgent care.

2. Seek Additional Support: Visit Find A Helpline to connect with a crisis helpline in your area for further assistance.

3. Reach Out to Someone Close: Contact a trusted friend or family member who can be with you during this time to provide comfort and practical help.

Your safety is our top priority. I will be notifying the founders of Unfilteredd, Juliana and Elijah Akin, about this situation so they can follow up to ensure you get the support you need.