Set Up Your Community Account

Step 1: Sign Up to the Community

1. Go to
Click “Sign Up.”

2. Enter your Unfilteredd email.
Use your first name as the username.
Enter the same password as your Unfilteredd email.
Click “Sign Up.”

Step 2: Activate Your Email

1. Open the activation email and click the link to activate your email.

2. Press “Click here to activate your account” button.

3. Wait until a moderator approves your account. You will get notified via email.

4. Open the email with the subject line “You’ve been approved on Unfilteredd!”

Step 3: Customize Your Community Profile

1. Log in to your Unfilteredd Community account at and customize your profile:

Username: Use your first name.
Profile Picture: Upload a professional photo of yourself.
About Me: Add a brief description of your Role, Interests, and what you hope to add to the community.
Important: Please state your Role as “Mental Health Professional at Unfilteredd.”
End with: “To learn more about me, please visit my About Page: [your link].”

For detailed instructions on finding the right settings and making these changes, please watch the video below.

If you ever need help inside the community, you can click here to visit the Community Quick Guide.