Your Members

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Time Zone: Eastern Time – US & Canada
  • Frequency: 2 Sessions Every 30 Days

Schedule a Session

Session Summary Template

Subject: Session Summary for [mm/dd/yyyy]

Hi [member’s first name]!

Summary of Our Session:

Summarize the key points and topics covered during this session.

Progress You’ve Made:

Highlight specific improvements, achievements, or positive changes you’ve observed in the member. 

What to Work on Before Our Next Session:

Give them specific tasks or actions to complete before the next session.

Details for Next Session:

Provide the date, time, and platform details for the next session.

Briefly outline what the member can expect, such as the topics you’ll focus on or any planned activities.

One last thing.

If you have a minute, I’d appreciate your feedback!

Can you please click here to rate this summary?

You don’t have to—it’s 100% optional. 

I’m just looking for ways to improve and be as helpful as possible for you.

Check-In Message Template

Subject: Checking In

Hi (name),

I hope you’re doing well.

I’m checking in to see how things have been going for you.

Is there anything that you’d like to talk about?

My inbox is always open, so if you need anything, please let me know.

I look forward to our next session.

Narcissistic Abuse Glossary:

Terms You Should Know

What Members Say About You